11.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Aula Magna

Janus Journey : Swiss Knife in Communication World

Andrei Leontev @ Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Janus WebRTC Gateway is used in several projects for Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Rainbow platform, we would like to share our experience in module combining, orchestration and scalability to address several communication use-cases:

plugin-mixed architecture to address audio/video conferences with PSTN bridge to handle external users - use case to mix the plugins and to provide PSTN bridge;

large-grid video mode with external video mixer component - if a number of video participants in higher to 20, SFU mode could not be optimal especially on low resources computers, so MCU schema is proposed based on GStreamer component;

Webinar video mode and orchestration practices - use case with large-scale of audio video flows, how can provide an optimal decision to scale the system taking into account distributed conference with multiply instances.

PhD and experienced technical leader working in the telecommunications industry. Main skills are: server architecture, lean management, cloud applications, functional programming and scalability.

Currently working at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, my LinkedIn is https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrei-leontev-84b44792/ .